Friday, January 21, 2011


Hi all,

I have started a new blog of recipes, favorite products, recipes books, etc

You can follow either blogs by subscribing on the links on this home page.

Looking forward to sharing with you and hearing from you!



Anonymous said...

hey its cindie.... I am always excited when I find out one of my friends also has a blog. I am excited to hear what you have to say.

cindie bass

heidi said...

love this miriam, i am DEFINITELY going to be trying this recipe! so glad you're posting again :)

heidi said...

p.s. hope you don't mind that i liked you to my blog

Miriam Miller said...

Hey Cindie - welcome to my blog :) Thanks for taking interest!

Hey Heidi - I am honoured I am linked :) Good to connect via blog again. This one will be a little less personal because I will have mag readers following, but I still have another one that is for the more personal stuff - I will email it.