Saturday, February 05, 2005

the satellite effect

I find it really hard to live this life. I think/hope/cling to the thought that there are others out there in the same category, so I will write this entry on the assumption that that is true. You see every now and then I learn something that helps me in my efforts as a human and in my innocence (not arrogance, although that could easily be assumed), I can't wait to get my "learned lesson" out there to hopefully help others, so here goes...

God speaks to me in pictures a lot. He will teach me a concept, and then give me a picture to solidify it in my mind (and to give me catchy titles like the Satellite Effect). But first, the background:

So here is something I learned a long time ago.... You can't change people.
It was actually a STARTLING revelation. I would try to talk people into ANYTHING. Probably my most frequent victims were my parents.
"Of course I should be allowed to stay out past my curfew.. it's only a matter of time before you begin to see things my way." "This skirt isn't too short, you're just looking at it at the wrong angle."
My arguing skills primarily served to, well.. serve me! Even when I would try to argue people into the kingdom of heaven (which you can't do I discovered) it would be self-serving.

So.. further along the path, I learned that trying to manipulate people is often more effective than arguing. You can appear to be an angel of light with perfectly selfish motives! What can I say? I am Italian AND female (a lethal, but sexy combination I might add...).

Years pass, and through the Lord's sometimes gentle, often harsh breaking, I arrive at a relieving, and/or heart breaking conclusion:
you cannot change people.
You cannot make someone put the toilet seat down consistently, you can't convince someone that they should love you, call you more.... My mom has been trying to convince her mom for years that she has not joined a cult (Christianity), and that she doesn't call her only to get at her money.

So I asked God in my helplessness and confusion, "how do I deal?!"
And that's when he answered me with a simple picture of a satellite.
You can't change people, but you can be used to affect change in others. And actually, if one learns this chain of command, it will improve your life; it helps to lower expectations, and it lowers the amount of arguments and manipulations.

Think about a computer that beams a signal to a satellite and then the satellite beams it elsewhere. I'm sure you can do the figurative mathematics, but just to be thorough, I'll explain it to you. Let's say that you are struggling with your brother, sister, husband, wife, co-worker. You want them to be kinder, more attentive, more spiritual, etc. You can try to argue, manipulate... but neither of them works. Beam it up to the satellite (aka. God of the Universe). Put it in His hands (cast your burden on him) and LET IT GO. Then watch as His beams spontaneously start landing on earth... either on that person, or on YOU! Only the Holy Spirit can affect change in someone's life.

God is faithful, but we have to trust that he knows best and times things best. But what it does for me/you/us is that it places the responsibility in the hands of the creator, of the reconciler, of the lover of our souls, instead of with us. Pretty simple, pretty profound, pretty encouraging of love and surrender in the most precious places in our lives - relationships.

Struggling with someone? Don't choose to always correct, be disappointed, fight to get your way... instead, use it as an opportunity to see the Lord work in His miraculous ways in the other person's life, and especially your own. This is the role He EXPECTS to play in our lives.

Beam it up.

Friday, February 04, 2005

the valley of emotions

I used to get frustrated at the thought of my spiritual life having levels: certain seasons when things were so good, and then certain seasons when things were 'cold' (like I had gone down or back a level). It felt like it was possible that levels existed, but it messed with my theology.
Especially when I took into account that those seasons that seemed like I was closest to God, were not consistently when things were going well. In fact, in most recent years, I have deeply experienced the intimacy of God when my heart is broken, and I cannot see my way clearly.
I asked God to teach me about this, and He was faithful (of course) and gave me a little picture that I wanted to share with you (if anyone reads this at all).
The biggest issue was God showing me how easily I am swayed by my emotions. I would have a 'good' day, really focused on the Lord, His purposes and then something would set me off and I would get discouraged and begin to doubt that he even knew I existed.
Then God reminded me that I need to train my mind. There is not a presto-chang-o moment that will end my life as a 'moody' Christian, and begin my life as a saint with unfaltering faith. Instead, I can train my mind to no longer pursue sinful coping mechanisms. To use self-control in the area of emotions.
The picture I got was of me standing in a field, on a firm foundation. The Truth is, that I am always there on that firm foundation. Not by works, but by Grace. God's salvation work in me is complete. I am justified, and so there I stand, in the field, on a solid rock.
But as I stand there, a mist comes in and covers my eyes from seeing my firm foundation. Sometimes it's a mist, sometimes it's a thick cloud.
My untrained mind assumes I have faltered from my 'level' of faith and taken steps backward. But my renewed mind now sees the trick and I take the appropriate action: I remember that I have been firmly planted on one solid foundation for all time. I need to make a choice to seek the Truth that disperses the clouds and mist before my eyes.
All of a sudden I am Peter on the tumultuous waves and Jesus is saying "stop looking at the waves, look at me. Truth is not in the waves--they will only drag you down. It may seem impossible, but look at me: I am above the waves."
Circumstance does not dictate or change my intimate connection with the Truth of God and His love for me and His love in me.
It's a question of faith, and then faith in action.
As a female, the battle against emotions is a BIG one. But lately, it's as though I am living out miracles when I see God free me from the bondage and the idolatry of my emotions when I remember where I stand.