Spirituality 1 : something that in ecclesiastical law belongs to the church or to a cleric as such 2 : sensitivity or attachment to religious values 4 : the quality or state of being spiritual.
I struggle to understand why appreciating spirituality, a supposed transcendant idealogy, has a set of rules. World-wide journeys in spirituality are celebrated, written about; there are movies made and talk shows devoted. Self-awareness and spiritual enlightenment are buzz words for escaping meaningless and mundance existence and essential aids to overcome unjust or frustrating circumstances.
And yet, people leave the room the minute you start to say that there is 'one way'.
Everyone is searching, and researching the searching of others, but no one wants 'one way'.
"How dare you arrogantly assume that your journey has led you to one single Truth"
It's not that I believe that because someone claims to have the Truth that it should be accepted, but the fact that it is not even respected saddens me. It is one of many reasons that I believe that the quest for "spirituality" in this lifetime is futile and a chasing after the wind. It's a pop trend that changes nothing, it just adds pot pourri to the years where human kind feels lost.
I don't want spirituality, I want Truth.
I cannot deny the existence of a Being more intelligent and more intricate than I am. I don't believe it is in myself because the deeper I dig in self-revelation, the darker the hole gets. My best moments are still mediocre to the inkling I have of perfection. I am not trying to reach perfection in my own strength, but I believe the concept can be entertained. And if a Higher Being is not in me, it is CERTAINLY not in anyone else.
So, there is a Being outside of who I am that perhaps spins the world and has an influence of good and power. Who is this God? What do I need to do in order to be reconciled to Him in this lifetime? If there is a day of reckoning, or Judgment, what do I need to do, or believe in order to be on his side? Is He a Good God (as I understand goodness... helpful to human kind and creation), or evil (destructive towards the world)? If He is good, who is accountable for the evil? Is it humans, or an additional spiritual being?
I cannot believe that there are multiple answers to this. Logic defies the idea that there is a party of deities, each with their own groups and sects and on the day of judgment we all get ushered into different rooms or realms and get sorted out depending on which journey we chose. What if one's beliefs overlapped?? What if you believed in Nirvana and hell. Would a Buddhist god size you up to see if you qualify at the risk of the Catholic God arguing that the individual qualified for hell?
Can we know these kinds of things in this lifetime, or do we just try to be the best we can within the standards that we have been raised with, and hope that we chose the right path? What if you had Down Syndrome or a mentally disabling afflication and were unable to rationalize these types of lifestyle choices... is there justice for you then?Can anyone be 100% sure?
I am.
Do you judge me for it?